Why Your Commercial Property Needs Parking Lot Striping

An essential yet overlooked component of a business is the condition of its parking lot. Not only does a parking lot need to be pristine, functional and free of cracks and potholes, but it also needs to be safe. Parking lot safety depends a lot on its striping. Parking lot striping is the process of painting traffic marks on asphalt to provide organized traffic flow and clearly marking parking stalls and areas for vehicles to park.

While the condition of your parking lot may be on the back burner for your property, here are some reasons why parking lot striping is essential to your commercial property:

Enhanced Safety

When a parking lot’s stripes are freshly and visibly painted, it helps enhance safety and lessens the chances of liability. An example is if your property has clearly marked pedestrian crossing areas to alert drivers that heavy foot traffic is coming from your business. If your pedestrian crossing lines are faded, and a customer or employee is injured due to faded parking lot stripes, you could be liable for their injuries.

As a commercial property owner, it's your duty to maintain all pedestrian crossings, fire lanes, handicap parking spaces, and arrows that clearly mark the flow of traffic. The American Disabilities Act also has strict requirements when it comes to commercial parking lots. Accessible parking spaces must be marked with the International Symbol of Access and van-accessible spaces must be labeled accordingly.

Traffic Flow

Freshly painted lines not only serve as parking spaces, but they can also help direct traffic flow and enhance the appeal of your business to customers. Clearly marked directional arrows, entrances, and exits can act as directional guides for drivers, which in turn helps traffic move more smoothly. They also help customers avoid preventable accidents. For example, if they are not guided by lines and are left to use their judgment when navigating a parking lot, which results in collisions and other accidents.

Maximize Your Space

Parking lot striping also allows you to maximize your lot space and helps boost curb appeal. Customers are more likely to visit a commercial property if a parking space is available and the parking lot is organized and well-kept.

While planning your lot striping, you can hire professionals to help you plan the number of parking spaces in your lot, allowing you to serve more customers. Parking lots with faded or no striping might cause customers to park just anywhere, which is a severe safety hazard.

If your parking lot lines appear more faded from the hot summer sun, call in professionals like AAA Total Property Solutions to help get your lot in shape before winter. AAA striping services will help create clear direction and organization in your parking lot, ensuring the layout is safe and functional. Click here to learn more.


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